Adobo Pate from Fidelis Gourmet

Adobo Pate by Fidelis Gourmet. You can order by emailing Photo by Me.

Aside from body care products, other gifts I love receiving for Christmas (and any other occasion) is food. I think I’ve mentioned before in this blog that the quality of my life depends on the quality of my food. That’s why I’m a bit choosy about what I put in my mouth. And that’s why I’ve foregone my plans for vegetarianism–Even if I’m a bit choosy, there’s a never-ending variety of food to eat in the world.  And I live curious as to what tastes, smells, textures and colors are out there. As long as the food was prepared with utmost regard for sanitation, of course.

During the Christmas break, my friend Xarra gifted me and our other friend Christine with adobo pate. Well, we didn’t really know that it was adobo pate until we met up with her for dinner. She just said that she wanted us to try a certain pate. But adobo pate was a pleasant surprise, anyway. Adobo pate–that’s a first for me!

And my first time was pleasurable. The morning after I received it, I spread it on french bread and ate it with quezo de bola. I washed it all down with brewed coffee, which was the perfect brekkie! Or so I thought.

Last Sunday, I woke up with my first thought being “Monday na naman bukas (It’s Monday again tomorrow).” But I quickly banished the dreadful thought away with a very bright idea for breakfast: green salad, adobo pate on toast, quezo de bola, banana, and Ovaltine mixed with coffee. This was waaaay better than the first morning I tried the adobo pate. Fidelis Gourmet, the brand name of this adobo pate, really knows how to make a foodie happy. Especially on lazy Sunday mornings prior to a dreadful Monday work week.

I look forward to more food from Fidelis Gourmet.  What they have to offer next excites my tummy!  I hope I get to see their products at supermarkets soon, as Xarra told me that Fidelis Gourmet plans to supply restaurants and hotels only. Let’s hope they’ll get mainstream, too.

Do you know what else makes me happy? That I was one of the first few people to enjoy this amazing adobo pate!

For the curious, you can email